Part of the weight loss program at Integrative Japanese Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic is the availability of prescription medical weight loss.
Susan Wayne has joined the wellness center to provide another arm for weight loss.
Susan Wayne is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner who has practiced for 30 years. She received her Masters of Science in Nursing and Family Practice degree from SUNY Stonybrook. She has experience in treating acute and chronic illness, and specializes in Integrative Medicine and Holistic Nursing. Susan studied herbal medicine with our own renowned herbalist Michael Moore. She has taught nursing and integrative medicine topics at New York University and Northern New Mexico College.
Susan Wayne’s approach to weight loss is integrative. “Management and treatment of lasting weight loss includes screening for hidden causes of weight gain such as hormonal imbalances, i.e. thyroid disorder or diabetes. Another trigger of weight gain can be female menopause/male menopause which can determined through blood testing. Frequently, long term life stress will disrupt the endocrine (hormone) system causing physical symptoms such as weight gain around the middle of the body, fatigue, joint pains, mood swings and poor sleep.”
“ An integrative approach to successful weight loss and health is utilized targeting the strengths and preferences of the client such as dietary preferences, and nutritional supplements and herbs to curb appetite, avoid constipation, and reduce edema (puffiness). Some clients may require prescription medication to start their weight loss journey. Healthy diet choices and regular exercise are important in attaining successful outcomes for ideal weight loss maintenance.” – Susan Wayne