What is Integrative Oriental Medicine

Integrative Oriental Medicine is a complex system of diagnosis and treatments that take into account the whole body as a unified system. Diagnosis is based on discerning the “pattern of disharmony” through pulse readings and treating accordingly. Integrative Oriental Medicine includes integrative Japanese Kototama  acupuncture as well as other modalities such as herbal medicine, Moxibustion, manual medicine, exercise, nutrition, meditation, breathing exercise and more.

How Does Integrative Japanese Acupuncture Work

Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-fine needles into the skin into any one or more of a number of acupuncture points (there are over 350 acupuncture points in the human body) for the purpose of stimulating a physiological response of increasing or decreasing the ”Qi”, or life energy of the body, to bring the body’s systems into balance and proper function. The sensation created by the insertion of each needle can be one of heaviness. Often this heaviness may be felt over regions of the body which are connected to each other by what we refer to as Meridians. These are the pathways through which your body’s energy flows.

Acupuncture is a primary health care modality that has been around for at least 3000 years and is used widely throughout the world. Acupuncture is considered safe and effective. Acupuncture should not be painful when practiced with excellent needle technique.

Is Acupuncture Safe

One of the great advantages of acupuncture is the absence of side effects. Needles generally cause no bleeding or pain. Acupuncturists are trained in exact location, angle as well as depth of insertion of the acupuncture needle to avoid any injuries.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary?

No two conditions or people respond exactly the same. The length of treatment depends on the condition, the severity, and the duration of the condition. For example, if you awoke this morning with a sore throat, fever, and body aches you have an acute condition that will require less treatment. If you have been suffering from arthritis for the last ten years and you are twenty pounds overweight, then it will take much longer for the treatments to bring you back into balance. The physical and emotional state of the patient is also important, as well as the compliance with your doctor instruction and recommendations.

Chinese Herbology

Chinese herbology is a system of herbal treatment. It is not applied in the way that most herbs and medicines are used in our Western world.  Chinese Herbal Medicine was developed as an integral part of Chinese Medicine. It is used to re-harmonize imbalances in the body. Therefore, a cough would not be treated by choosing an anti-tussive alone. It must first be determined where the cough is coming from, and then the appropriate group of herbs would be combined to treat the problem.

In western schools of thought medicines or herbs are used because they are known to produce certain effects. St. John’s Wort and Prozac are used for depression because they are both known to counter depression.

Are Chinese Herbs good for everyone?

There is never one answer for every problem. Integrative Oriental Medicine is based on the foundation of this philosophy. A person’s underlying condition must be taken into account in the treatment of his or her problem. With all of the attention that herbal medicine is receiving these days, the impression is given that if you hear that an herb is good for a certain problem then it must be good for everyone for that problem! THIS IS NOT TRUE! A single herb is almost never prescribed for any patient within the scope of Chinese Herbal Medicine. Formulas must always be delicately composed to protect the patient’s constitution against the possible unwanted effects of the herbs he or she needs to take. This is the way side effects are avoided and higher results are achieved.

Can I take Chinese herbs with my regular medication?

Your healthcare. provider should be aware of all medications, vitamins, herbs, and recreational drugs you are taking. Combining any of these substances may or may not be a good idea. It is important to rely on the advice of your health care. provider.
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